As with any service, we feel it is necessary to educate our clientele about possible issues that can arise. We believe when provided with the proper information, we can help eliminate common misunderstandings that often come with locksmith services. That is why we have provided a list of frequently asked questions to help our customers have a better understanding of our services.
Here are just a few of the questions we hear often:
Is it true there is a master key for everything?
Unfortunately no. There is what is known as the “construction key”. This key can be used as a ‘master key’ of sorts to lock or unlock a door; however once another key successfully locks or unlocks that same door the construction key becomes invalid and is no longer workable. The best thing to do to avoid a future lock out is to get duplicate keys made and have them stored in a secure location. If interested in a Master Key system, call us today.
Why should I use a professional locksmith?
Using a professional locksmith will not only provide you with skill and experience but also state of the art equipment to assist in your lock and security needs. When using an inexperienced person or a coat hanger to assist in a lock out, you run the risk of damaging your vehicle. Repairs to fix such damages can often triple the amount it would cost to hire a professional locksmith and cause you to have to go without your vehicle while yours is being repaired. If you find yourself locked out and in need of assistance, call Buck’s Lock & Key for a skilled professional locksmith to save you time and money.
What is a Transponder Key? Can I make a copy or replace it?
A transponder key is a key with a little extra security. A small microchip is built into the key matching the onboard computer built into the car. When the key is inserted into the ignition the codes will match and ignite the car, if the key is deactivated or damaged this will deactivate the chip and the car will not run. To get this key duplicated or replaced you not only have to have the key cut but the key must also be programmed. This helps to reduce the chances of unauthorized key duplication and extra security for your vehicle.
Is it necessary to have a spare key? Is it safe?
It is always a good idea to have a spare key in the event of a lockout. More often than not, it is safe to have a spare key. However, storing your key in an easily accessible place, such as a glove compartment, overhead visor, center console, or change tray is an obvious place a car thief would look for a spare key. Keeping your key in a safe and secured place is a way to assure the security of your vehicle.
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